You own the copyright to any original story text you created and to photos that you own and uploaded to your book. StoryJumper retains full ownership of its proprietary art libraries and collateral. Also, for any book that you share publicly, you grant to StoryJumper a royalty-free, perpetual license to disseminate it through our website and associated promotional materials (e.g. site widgets and players on third party websites.) Read more about copyright in our Terms of Service.
Articles in this section
- How do I create and share a collection of books?
- How do I access the Clean Up tool?
- How do I create my own AI pictures?
- I can't import my Google Classroom classes
- How do I start a StoryChat?
- As a teacher, how do I combine multiple books into a single book?
- How do I translate the StoryJumper website into other languages?
- As a teacher, how can I share my students' books?
- How do I remove a student from my class?
- What devices does StoryJumper support?
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